Friday, August 19, 2011

Live account still not in my hands

So called xbox again this week, 1st on Sunday then Today...
On Sunday, they agent informed me that it usually takes 22 business days for an account to be restored to its owner... fine but considering Sunday was 8/14 and my account was hacked on 6/30 and I called them that day, kind of disappointing they don't even make their own standard. Then it turns out that "this" investigation didn't start until 7/17 which even then that puts the 22 day make to 8/16 ... so whats up? Well she said by her calculations that I should have my account back by this week, cool finally I will be able to add some arcade games to my collection (I am not about have those split up on different accounts I want to play some god damn fruit ninja kinect). Well today is Friday and I have heard nothing so I contact Xbox yet again no update. So Microsoft I can also see I am not alone in this mess and reading some of the comments in that article it seems like people got their account back in 3 weeks.... well cool story bro. What is taking you so long, are you that backlogged with hacked accounts? Figure this out.

EDIT: fixed some dates

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quakecon Woooooop

Ah the yearly gathering of geeks. Probably the main think I look forward to in a year. 8,000+ attendees this year. We are outgrowing the venue yet again. This is usually a good thing. Work is going alright I enjoy the shift just not the time it takes place. What I mean by that is 12-9 is a shift where less work is required, because well its just not as busy. However its 12-9 and I don't get home till 10-ish which means people are already doing something (hard to cut in the middle sometimes) or they are done for the night. I guess one thing is nice if I do go out its not that big of a deal if its late. And midnight showings of movies. I've got to say Quakecon is getting a little more commercialized than I like, yet at the same time I have to encourage that. I want this event to stay free (even thought I spend money on it because I support it). Commercialization is how Quakecon will thrive and I am happy for ID.
Thinking of picking up either a brand new hobby or get back into an old one. Need to do more physical activities. I mean in between gaming sessions of course.