On Sunday, they agent informed me that it usually takes 22 business days for an account to be restored to its owner... fine but considering Sunday was 8/14 and my account was hacked on 6/30 and I called them that day, kind of disappointing they don't even make their own standard. Then it turns out that "this" investigation didn't start until 7/17 which even then that puts the 22 day make to 8/16 ... so whats up? Well she said by her calculations that I should have my account back by this week, cool finally I will be able to add some arcade games to my collection (I am not about have those split up on different accounts I want to play some god damn fruit ninja kinect). Well today is Friday and I have heard nothing so I contact Xbox yet again no update. So Microsoft I can also see I am not alone in this mess http://www.lockergnome.com/game/2011/08/15/xbox-live-hack/ and reading some of the comments in that article it seems like people got their account back in 3 weeks.... well cool story bro. What is taking you so long, are you that backlogged with hacked accounts? Figure this out.
EDIT: fixed some dates
I still exist!